PSERV3.EXE/binary ABSTRACT -------- Contains updated NetWare Print Server and RPrinter components (v3.75). A new RPrinter provides greater compatibility with MS Windows and allows polled mode to be used for all parallel and serial ports. CONTENTS -------- The following files are included in this revision: PSERV3 TXT [This File] PSERVER EXE 109650 05-21-93 10:03a PSERVER NLM 52566 05-25-93 4:31p PSERVER VAP 65218 06-15-92 2:46p RPRINTER EXE 64532 05-04-93 2:31p RPRINTER HLP 5038 05-04-93 12:39p VERSIONS -------- PSERVER EXE Version 3.75 PSERVER NLM Version 3.75 PSERVER VAP Version 1.26 RPRINTER EXE Version 3.75 RPRINTER HLP Version 3.75 HISTORY OF COMPONENTS --------------------- PSERVER.VAP NetWare 286 v2.15c and above 02/11/91 64130 v1.21 1) This VAP shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11. 07/10/91 64994 v1.22 1) Fixes a bug that causes the rewind option to return to the beginning of a document, ignoring the page number specified by the user. This problem occurs when in text mode. 2) Addresses a problem of tabs not working properly. 3) Contains the auto load feature which allows an unattended load of the PSERVER.VAP. This auto-load feature will ONLY be available on a NetWare 2.2 File Server. AUTO-LOAD NOTES: When running this new PSERVER.VAP on a NW 2.2 server the VAP will prompt you for the Print Server name the first time the VAP is loaded. From that point on the PSERVER.VAP will remember the Print Server Name until the name is cleared. To CLEAR a Print Server Name the user will simply type: PSERVER CLEARNAME at the console prompt on the NW 2.2 File Server. This will cause the PSERVER.VAP to prompt the user for a Print Server Name on the next load of the PSERVER.VAP. 02/27/92 65202 v1.22r 1) Upon loading PSERVER.VAP, the DTR and RTS lines are set high and maintained high the entire time the VAP is loaded. 06/15/92 65218 v1.26 1) Version 122.r rev'd to 1.26 and passed testing. Installation: 1) Make a backup copy of the PSERVER.VAP. 2) Copy the new PSERVER.VAP over the original version. 3) To use the new VAP, reboot the file server. PSERVER.NLM NetWare v3.11 02/11/91 51208 v1.21 1) This NLM shipped with NetWare 3.11. 07/10/91 50358 v1.22 1) Fixed a problem when printing large graphics documents with serial and parallel printers. This problem is created by a special condition which causes the pointer to override the print buffer. As a result, garbage characters are printed in the middle of a document. Once the block of bad data is printed, the printer resumes printing the document as it should. 2) Addresses a problem of the rewind function not working correctly when in text mode. 03/03/92 51302 v1.22r 1) Causes DTR and RTS on the serial port to stay high once the Print Server comes up. 2) Fixes a problem that causes print job corruption in the form of ascii characters or form feeds. This corruption is known to occur on PaintJet printers, but may occur on others as well. 3) Allows the user to specify how often the print server services jobs. Currently, the polling time default is every 15 seconds. The poll time can now be set by a load-time parameter using the following syntax: : LOAD PSERVER POLL=xx where xx (1 - 30) equals the number of seconds the queue waits before checking for jobs to be serviced. If the POLL parameter is not entered, the default value is used. If an invalid POLL value or if incorrect syntax is entered, the user is given the correct syntax and the range of correct values and the user is then prompted to hit any key to continue. 08/12/92 51866 v1.27 1) Version 1.22r rev'd to 1.27 and passed testing. 05/25/93 52566 v3.75 1) Allows the user to specify a parallel port delay time to fix print jobs becoming corrupted on fast 486 machines with the Hewlett Packard HPLJ4 printer. This new version of PSERVER.NLM includes a load-time parameter. The syntax is as follows: :LOAD PSERVER DELAY=x where X is a relative delay time at the parallel port. This parameter must be input AFTER the server name parameter at the console prompt. If the delay=X statement is not input at the time PSERVER.NLM is loaded it will default to one. If the NLM is loaded at the console without any command line parameters, it will display a usage screen which explains how to use the above commands. Installation: 1) Flag PSERVER.NLM as SRW in the SYS:SYSTEM directory (Sharable Read Write). 2) Rename the existing PSERVER.NLM to PSERVER.OLD for backup purposes. 3) Copy the new PSERVER.NLM to the SYS:SYSTEM directory. 4) Flag the new PSERVER.NLM to SRO (Sharable Read Only). 5) To use the new NLM, load PSERVER at the console with the following syntax: :LOAD PSERVER [POLL=xx] [DELAY=x] PSERVER.EXE NetWare 286 v2.15c and above 02/11/91 107928 v1.21 1) This EXE shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11. 07/10/91 108184 v1.22 1) Fixes a possible data corruption problem when printing large graphics documents with serial and parallel printers. Although this bug has not been seen with the PSERVER.EXE, it has been known to occur with PSERVER.NLM. This problem is created by a special condition which causes the pointer to override the print buffer. As a result, garbage characters are printed in the middle of a document. Once the block of bad data is printed, the printer resumes printing the document as it should. 2) Addresses a problem of the rewind function not working correctly when in text mode. It was also found that tabs were not working correctly in the previous release. 03/02/93 108294 v1.22r 1) It causes DTR and RTS on the serial port to stay high once the Print Server is installed. 2) This file also fixes a problem that causes print job corruption in the form of ascii characters or form feeds. This corruption is known to occur on PaintJet printers, but may occur on others as well. 10/29/92 109116 v1.36 1) Contains NCP Packet Signing. 05/21/93 109650 Version Number: 3.75 1. Fixed a problem where remote printers when detecting a port already in use were not disconnecting from the print server. They remained in a "Waiting for Job" state. Installation: 1) Flag PSERVER.EXE as SRW in the SYS:PUBLIC directory (Sharable Read Write). 2) Rename the existing PSERVER.EXE to PSERVER.OLD for backup purposes. 3) Copy the new PSERVER.EXE to the SYS:PUBLIC directory. 4) Flag the new PSERVER.EXE to SRO (Sharable Read Only). RPRINTER.EXE NetWare 2.15c and above 02/06/91 92378 v1.21 1) This EXE shipped with NetWare 2.2 and 3.11. 07/01/91 58472 v1.21b 1) Fixes Xon/Xoff not working. 02/18/92 59448 v1.22r 1) There is a intermittent problem when attempting to establish a remote connection. Often when the attempt is made, the print server responds with a message indicating that it is unable to establish a remote connection, and that the remote printer is already in use. 2) If a workstation batch file continually loads and reloads Rprinter, a workstation hang could occur. IPXODI.COM with a date of 02/07/92 is needed to solve this problem. This problem should only occur if you are using ODI Shell for DOS. 3) This version of RPRINTER.EXE addresses a problem with RPRINTER v1.21 that was included with Netware V2.2 and V3.11. The problem was that if XON\XOFF was defined, RPRINTER would continue to utilize hardware handshaking. The result was that the printer buffer would overflow and/or the printer would go offline. 4) This version of RPRINTER.EXE also contains a fix for a bug that caused RPrinter to quit accepting jobs after aborting a job that was waiting for a form to be mounted. 5) This version of RPRINTER.EXE also contains a fix for a bug that causes lost characters or slow printing when printing documents. This is known to occur with a PS/2 Model 60 or 50 when running Rprinter v1.21. 6) This version causes DTR and RTS on the serial port to stay high once the print server comes up. 7) This version contains a command line parameter to set the strobe time as follows: RPRINTER PRINTER# Tx where x is a number from 1-9. 8) This version contains a fix for an intermittent problem when using DOS 5.0. When loading RPRINTER.EXE the workstation would hang. 06/04/92 59756 v1.26 1) Version 1.22r rev'd to 1.26 and passed testing. 05/04/03 64532 v3.75 1) This version of RPrinter incorporates a change which allows the use of polled mode on all Parallel and Serial ports. To use this feature, you must use PConsole as usual to define the printer as a serial device and assign it to a port. OR, if the printer is defined in PConsole as REMOTE/OTHER, it can be configured by using the RPrinter menu interface. Then, when loading RPrinter for that printer, use the -P command line parameter. 2) This version of RPrinter allows you to unload the last installed RPrinter without specifying the print server and printer number. This is accomplished by using the -R command line parameter 3) This version of RPrinter displays a usage screen by including the /? command line parameter. Installation: 1) Flag RPRINTER.EXE as SRW (Sharable Read Write) in the PUBLIC directory. 2) Rename RPRINTER.EXE to RPRINTER.OLD in the PUBLIC directory for backup purposes. 3) Copy RPRINTER.EXE to the PUBLIC directory on your system. 4) Flag the new copy of RPRINTER.EXE back to SRO (Sharable Read-Only). ******************************************************************** DISCLAIMER Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to any NetWare software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. Distribution of any NetWare software is forbidden without the express written consent of Novell, Inc. Further, Novell reserves the right to discontinue distribution of any NetWare software. Novell is not responsible for lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the software, loss of data, costs of re-creating lost data, the cost of any substitute equipment or program, or claims by any party other than you. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before any software is installed. Technical support for this software may be provided at the discretion of Novell. ********************************************************************